Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It's a crappy pic but here she is!

I love it! It was worth every minute that I spent fighting it! There are a few more details on my blog, not many, but a few. Thanks for the great pattern Bonnie Marie :)

unblocked, but finished knitting anyway

Here is mine, unblocked. I hope to get it done very soon (I'm away from home at the mo'.)

Monday, October 30, 2006


I finished! Yarn = Merlin by Louet Sales (30% linen, 70% wool). Modifications = 1 inch longer in the body and a ribbed collar instead of garter stitch. The yarn is supposed to machine washable so I gingerly put it in the gentle cycle to soften it up and then blocked it.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Also done!

I finished Ariann Thursday night, blocked it and wore it all day yesterday! Haven't had time for a picture, but will soon. My husband said it looked very professional - I gave full credit to Bonne Marie's wonderful pattern! I'm so pleased with the result, I just loved wearing it yesterday, I might wear it all weekend!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Finished with the knitting!

I actually made it through to the collar, woot! Now I just have to find some buttons and crochet the belt. She is blocking right now, can't wait until it's ready!

Making Progress

I'm happy to report that I'm am finally making some progress. I've done 2 increases and about to add the 2nd buttonhole. I started over once to change needles and soften up the yarn a bit as my yarn did not like the Denise needles at all. I'm looking forward to seeing some finished results from everyone.

In case anyone else needed it spelled out

I'll just be the one to ask all these simple questions - lol! How do we do the decreasing on the neck shaping? Decrease right at the edge? or knit one stitch and then do the decrease?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

On the collar...

click here
Click on the box to see the image (what am I doing wrong with blogger that it won't let me upload images?

but I am presently being swallowed alive by work which is cutting into my sleeping and more importantly my knitting time.

So I am now knitting the collar. I am not making a garter stitch collar but am continuing the rib pattern ...I'll add a few rows of garter stitch at the end to stop any rolling. I hope there is no major design reason why Bonne Marie used garter stitch that I won't find out until the garment is finished.

I am concerned by the size of the garment....well when blocked it should be fine as long as it holds its blocked shape....if not it will yet another too small sweater to add to my list of 'when I stop breast feeding and my chest returns to normal'.

Question about raglan decreases.

I swear I really have knit a sweater before, just not one with holes in it. When we get to the raglan decreases, are we supposed to be decreasing 8 stitches each decrease row? I do okay for the first dec. rows, but then on the fourth row I start to lose more stitches than eight. Am I just supposed to do whatever it takes to make it only 8, like knit 2 instead of doing a ssk before the last 3 stitches? I don't know why I can't wrap my brain around this, I really feel dumb now.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I wish I could think!

I am getting so frustrated, only because of lack of thinking on my part. I'm making suah a hard time for myself just because I don't think enough, pay attention, or I overthink. I have joined the sleeves and body 3 times now! I just finished ripping again this morning after having 18 rows done after the join. I keep getting confused with the decrease rows and the eyelet pattern, ending up with the wrong # of stitches and such. I'm hoping that my fourth time will be a charm and I can start making some progress instead of repeating the same parts over and over. I know it should not be this difficult, I just have problems. Sigh. Anyway, wish me luck, send good knitter vibes, anything will help!

Even the guys are impressed...

I live in a household of men. My husband, 4, count 'em, 4 sons, even the dog is male! Needless to say, though they are very nice about trying to be supportive of the knitting, it's not of great interest to them. However, last night, I showed my 15-year-old my progress on Ariann - I'm on the collar, so it looks like a real sweater. His comment:

"Oh, grey sweater, I knew you when you were just a swatch!"

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ariann Progress

Here's the full view - I am about halfway between the 1st and 2nd buttonhole. Wish I had more time to work on this over the past week, but the upcoming week should be good.

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And a close-up - I really like the increases and decreases in the pattern.

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Hint du Jour: Wraps per Inch

Hello all! This is sort of a hint :) [More of demo?]

This weekend, I made a wraps-per-inch yarn stick for Ariann, using worsted weight wools I thought might work well in this pattern. [If you aren't familiar with this concept, here's a great explanation written by the fabulous Jackie from Heartstrings Fiber Arts: http://www.heartstringsfiberarts.com/wpi.shtm]. I've been playing around with the WPI of various yarns for awhile now and must say the more I explore the better I like this way of categorizing yarn. It uses the physical characteristics of the strand to describe a size range - IMHO, more useful than yards per gram/oz or those sometime misleading gauge suggestions included with most yarns.

[I posted some of this on the Chic Knits blog earlier today, too.]

Joining you...

...and thought I'd say 'hello'! I cast-on yesterday and had completed the bottom ribbing when I decided my cast-on edge was too tight. So, I frogged and cast-on again today using a larger needle. Hopefully, that'll do the trick.

I'm using Rowan Kid Classic in color 845 (Battle). It's a lovely olivey green. It has some mohair in it, so it's a bit fuzzy and I love it. I'll post a photo when I have some progess to speak of.

Everyone Arianns look beautiful so far!

On a Roll

I'm finally posting. I've been working on Ariann for about two weeks now. I just started the first sleeve. I have to say that my Ariann is looking "loose" compared to others, although my gauge is spot on. I'm sure it is my yarn. I' m using Elann Uros from my stash. It is a mix of Llama and Peruvian Wool. Interesting mix. It is quite furry and it tends to split and alternates between winding and unwinding. That said I like the overall look! Pictures next time (as I am one of the few blogless knitters)! Love the pattern Bonne Marie!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Another newbie

I am also new to this KAL, but purchased the pattern shortly after it came out. I am trying to get some other projects wrapped up before starting this. I also haven't decided on my yarn yet. I'm considering KnitPicks new superwash worsted weight yarn, Swish, as I have two small (translate: messy) children, and a husband who does almost all the laundry (translate: machine wash only). Mind you, I'm not complaining about either, but rather trying to create something compatible with my environment. Anyway, has anyone heard anything about Swish? I'm curious as to how soft it is, how it holds up after washing, etc.

Dang buttonhole anyway.

Any way to put a buttonhole in 6 rows after it should have been done?! I finally got the sleeves and body joined and that's about what I've knit today before realizing I'd forgotten about doing a buttonhole. I just can't win today!

Finally posting

I too purchased the pattern immediately after I saw it offered and joined the KAL soon after. Just slow start and slower to post. I'm using Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed in the Beech colorway and it reminds me alot of handspun. The fabric is quite lovely - very squishy! I can't wait to finish and I only hope my sweater turns out half as nice as Bonne Marie's.



I joined this KAL shortly after the pattern came out, so about time I posted.

I actually haven't started my Ariann yet. I want to finish another cardi I have on the needles first. Plus I'm having trouble deciding on a yarn colour. I'm almost certain that I'll order some Elann Highland Pervian for my sweater. I keep changing my mind about the colour though. First I thought I'd knit a dark rich green colour, then I thought I'd go more neutral, then I was thinking of something in the pink/magenta family (one of my wardrobe staple colours). Now that I've written this I'm thinking more of the green, but who really knows? Really should get to work on the other cardi so I can get going on Ariann. Been on a sock knitting kick lately, so everything else is suffering!

Thanks for this great pattern Bonne Marie. I had thought I pretty much had all my Fall/Winter knitting all lined up (included your Camp Jacket and a second Ribby Cardi) but when I saw Ariann, I knew I had to make it.

Ready to join the sleeves and body

But I'm a little confused. Actually I've already tried joining once, but I know I messed it up so I need to tink back a row or two. So when you finish the armhole shaping on the body the last row worked is a RS row, right? And the last row worked on the sleeves is a WS row, or a knit only row, right? So the sleeves and body will be on different rows? And I've knit a sweater like this where you just knit the sleeves and body together, but not with the sleeves knit in the round. How exactly does it work? Am I supposed to keep knitting the sleeves on dpns? How I have it right now is really tight, and I can't make it around the sleeves, so I know I'm screwed up! I feel so dumb. Help?!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Try It On tubing

So, here's Ariann today. I wanted to try out my new gadget, Try-It-On Tubing, which allows you to try your knitting on. The plastic tube (you can see it in the middle of the close-up) goes on the end of your needle, and then you can slide all the stitches, markers & all, on to the tube, which comes in 1 & 2 yard lengths. It stays very secure on the tip of the needle - I started out very gingerly, but then stopped worrying about it, and it worked great! When I had all the sts on the tube, it was hard to get it off the needle, so I don't think you have to worry about it popping off in mid-transfer. It made for a very easy and accurate try-on. Mine came from the maker:
What a clever idea - I wish I'd thought of it!

It's all in the past...

I've finally gotten over the sleeve debacle. I had to go to TX for a quick visit with my parents (my mom had surgery, all is, thankfully, well) and so I took the sock that's needed for my husband's b'day on the 25th. It had been languishing, as I couldn't pull myself away from Ariann!
Now I've finished tinking, put the sleeve on correctly, and am happily moving along!
Love this alapca, and the pattern!
Also love having this KAL - it's inspiring to see everyone else's progress, know I'm not the only one to make mistakes, and get some good tips!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Sleeves on two circular needles

I really don't like knitting with DPNs, so I use the two circular needle method for anything that's knit in the round. A while ago I knit two socks on two circular needles, and I wanted to try that for these sleeves. Here are the first four rounds.

I like this technique a lot: it's fun to see both sleeves progress at the same time, and it ensures that both are the same length since they're being knit together. It can be a little tricky to set up, and the first few rows are confusing. But once it gets going, somehow it feels like it's quicker than knitting each sleeve separately. Instructions (for socks, but can easily be used for sleeves too) are here.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Beginning

So excited to start this sweater. I'm using Knitpicks Andean Silk in Sangria - the color looks better when its not up against a bluish blanket.

I'm at the waist decreasing section - two more repeats to go. I can't wait to wear this - glad to be "knitting along"!

Ariann in London

I'm knitting Ariann here in London, where my family just moved a few months ago. I'm making Ariann with KnitPicks Andean Silk in Olive. I just finished the third waist increase, and am getting ready for the third buttonhole. I'm actually doing a 4-stitch buttonhole, since that's the one I know best. Thanks for the pattern, Bonne Marie- it's coming out beautifully, and I can't wait to wear it.

Progress in Germany

I just received the buttons in the mail. I think they are going to be perfect. Here's a shot of my progress so far. You can't see the details very well with this color. For some reason, I have been knitting tight. Which is not the norm for me.

Happy Knitting,

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Almost Done with the Waist Decreases!!

It's kind of hard to show this well, but I'm just about done with the waist decreases. Can I say I am just loving this pattern? No pattern reading, as the pattern is so easy to memorize. LOVE IT!

101706 003


This is definitely not the kind of pattern to do while you are watching Grey Anatomy season 1. Not for me, it seems I miss a stitch now and then. However, I think after ripping Arianne out several times, I am more careful to verify the stitches. The fabric is looking lovely. I am about to do the third button hole. I love it, and already have in mind several different shades I want to try. One being the green that is on the pattern picture, oh and a warm chocolate brown would look killer. This is my first time using this yarn Jojoland, in a pretty wine color. I’m enjoying using this yarn so far. Place an order for buttons and can't wait to see if they will be a good match. I'll post pictures later.


Monday, October 16, 2006

Onto the Sleeves...

Checking in...Despite being distracted by little projects (such as birthday presents) and large projects (other sweaters)I have made some progress on Adriann. I have finished the body up to the armholes and I am now knitting the second sleeve. I find the pattern is addictive and I have to pace myself so that I don't lose the use of my hands.

P.S. I tried to upload a picture of the progress but I am stymied by blogger

Sunday, October 15, 2006

HINT du JOUR - Buttonholes

Hey there! I've been out of town for awhile and damn, there's lots of progress - WooT!

The Buttonholes - I've had great success with this - One Row Buttonhole-Version D.

It is a little trixsie, but once you get it down, you might just LOVE IT! It is neat, strong and flexible.

Just a honey of a buttonhole, IMHO :)

Just starting

I've been wanting to start earlier but Hubby asked me to knit him a sweater. I hit a snag on that sweater - I needed longer needles. So while waiting for my needle order, I went ahead and cast on for Ariann.

I'm using KP Andean Silk in Chocolate. I've used this yarn before on my Hourglass Sweater so I did not bother making a gauge swatch. I'm planning on making the 3/4 sleeve version. This will be the first time I knit buttonholes so I may need some assistance with it.

I love seeing all the beautiful projects of everyone!


Hi everyone -
I finally cast on for Ariann over the weekend; wasn't able to do much knitting so am feeling a little out of sorts.

Here's my progress pic
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and a semi-urgent question:

I am currently working on the last row of the "Establish Eyelet Pattern" section for the size 35.5. I did Row 1 and Row 2 a total of six times (once and then the 2 repeats) and am currently working on Row 2 as it says to do Row 2 once, after the Row 1-Row 2 repeats. My question is - should I be following this literally, creating a purl ridge on the right side? And then what do I do on the following row? The Row 2 pattern again, creating a garter ridge? I haven't seen this question posted and have tried zooming in on the pics posted to see if this is what ppl are doing, but here's my close up of what it's looking like mid-row. Before I go any further, I'll wait to hear from "you-all"!
101506 004

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I am SO stupid...

I was so excited last night when I finished the 2nd sleeve, and joined the sleeves and body together! Happily knitted across 5 long rows, a few more this morning when all of a sudden I start to feel something's not right. Turns out something was really wrong.

One sleeve is inside out.

Yes, you read that right. Turns out putting the body and sleeves on one needle should maybe be done before the wine, not after, you think?
And you know, all those stitch markers (I separate the pattern repeats) and YO's, I'm going to have to go back stitch by stitch by stitch by stitch..... :(

Hey Sogal, I'm joining the Red Sweater KAL myself, see you there!


Friday, October 13, 2006

The Red Adriann

That's Katie and Cordelia examining the beginnings of my ARIANN in RIO RED (Classic Elite Inca Alpaca).

Just into the increases - first buttonhole done.

more update after the weekend - hopefully a lot more done - would be thrilled to be able to wear this next weekend at RHINEBECK.

its gorgeous sunny and 50 degrees with hardly any humidity.
off to sort out my winter/fall sweaters - perfect weather for it - sun streaming in the front room windows where the sweaters are all piled up waiting for me ...

Sogal knits

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hello All!

Just joining you all today. My name is Tina, and I live in the (currently) frozen wastelands of the Chicago Suburbs. I started my first Ariann last week, and am currently just about ready to join body and sleeves. I am knitting the long sleeved version in olive green Patons Classic Wool. I like this pattern so much, that I am thinking about doing a second one in Rowan Kid Classic. Pictures soon!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I've just joined you!

Hello everyone - Bonne Marie,

I am Koko and I moved in California two months ago from Sweden. I started my knitting in Sweden in 2004 and am a quite beginner. I have been working on Union Square Market pullover for more than five months since I was in Sweden. I've been awfully busy with my moving to California, so I've been making progress little by little so far..

I have got the invitation today(Thank you for it :)) and have been so excited at being here. I can't wait to get started on such a beautiful Ariann. I'm now waiting for a yarn coming to me. I went to Babetta's(http://www.babettasyarnandgifts.com/default.htm) ten days ago to buy a yarn for Ariann. She has wide variety of yarns and helped me so much by listening to me. The yarn I decided was one ball lacks for a long sleeve version so I put order there.

However, it's nice time for me to see how others make progress because I'm now a bit anxious about my knitting technique. I haven't tried eyelet pattern before... When I am starting a new project, I tend to be anxious until getting started.

I've been thinking of Ariann's character since I bought the pattern from Chic Knits. Ariann is truly CHIC.

Happy knitting!!

Had to Begin!!

After watching everyone get started, and make progress, I was just too envious and just had to begin. After Cutaway was off the needles I immediately started Ariann and she's going to be beautiful! The yarn is Beaverslide worsted in Wood Rose and it is the nicest worsted yarn I have ever used. We're heading East on Tuesday for a vacation in MA, VT and NY, including Rhinebeck (for what may be my first and last time). Ariann will be coming with me...not sure I could leave her home!


Lovin' Ariann

Hello All - Wendee here from Seattle. I can't remember when I've been this excited about a pattern! And monogamous - my other projects are languishing due to my obsession with Ariann! I'm using Rowan Kid Classic in color 853-Spruce. The color is a little early 1990's, but I'm seeing these greens and maroons popping up everywhere, so I guess the color scheme is coming back...

I have two questions -
1) Are there a total of 4 decreases or 5 decreases? I read it as a total of 5, but the picture looks like there are a few more stitches in the decrease area than I will have - 4 sts. between YO - 2 on either side of the marker. I'm working on a size 33.5 pattern.

2) My buttonhole looks SMALL! Granted, this is the first buttonhole I've made, but I think I'm doing it right. I used www.knittinghelp.com for instruction and it was pretty straightforward with the video. I'm going to back out of this buttonhole regardless as I didn't center it very well - too close to edge. Will a 4 st. buttonhole be too big? Has anyone else encountered this?

I can't wait to wear this sweater!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Knitting has begun

I LOVE the color of my Selkirk - Plum, but I HATE the way it feels. It's scratchy and has flecks of hay or straw or something. It doesn't move smoothly on the Denise needles that I'm using either. I'd change needles, but the gauge would probably change and that wouldn't be good either. Oh well. At least I like the color.

Adriann in the Sun

Progress was made on Adriann over the weekend. Although I started her last Thursday night, I frogged that. I started with just the back and in the 38 inch chest size. However I found that Merlin was knitting up a little smaller than Bonne-Maries schematic and the yarn would make bulky seams. Furthermore (excuse the language but I am doing a lot of scientific writing at the moment and it spills over...the upside is that procrastination means more blogging, because blogging is technically writing)....Furthermore, the larger size would require all the Merlin I have and as I brought it on sale a while ago I dread to think about whether I can find more. So now I am knitting the 40 inch size with the fronts and backs together just as Bonne-Marie has in her pattern. The downside is that there are a lot of stitches, that make the knitting very heavy and with string-like yarn to start with...my hands get very tired.

So here is Adriann Sunday morning...I am now at the 3rd increase and contemplating redoing the first button hole as I balls-ed up the placement within the button band and it is not centered. This should be a joyful process as another fun aspect of Merlin is it loves to split. Before I am too down on Linen as a yarn I will say that the tunic of linen I made last year while at sea (and that is the only reason I finished such an enormous project) has worn and worn and looks as good as the day I finished (better because the stitches have 'healed' my one mistake)...and it has softened with every wash.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Just bought my yarn!

I'm selected Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece as my yarn. It is at a gauge of 20 st/4" but I should be able to get 19. It's baby blue. My first baby blue sweater and I'm super excited!

Knitting temporarily halted!

I had a reaction to a medical test that was done on Wednesday, and ended up quite ill for 3 days! I'm better now, but needless to say, I'm way behind! I did add another 1/2" to the total length of the body so that is now completely done, and am half way through the second sleeve. I'm hoping to make up for lost time this week. Also, I checked out the button source that Bonne Marie suggested and have selected 5 possible choices that I need to narrow down to one.
Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Colour of Ariann v.1

I've spent the morning -- and I do mean morning because it's a little after 9am and I've been playing with this since I got up at 5:30am -- trying to get a good scanned image and nothing I do is working to my satisfaction. (Technology: Ain't it grand?)
So, I rolled on over to the Cascade website and grabbed their colourcard.
I'm using Cascade 220 Superwash #803. On my monitor the colour is looking more aubergine (eggplant) than deep purple.
Anyway, I'm on the 2nd waist increase and she's moving along quite nicely, though I did stop to begin working on a very simple garter stitch stole out of Prism Lite Stuff and Fern in the Storm colourway. (This is a kit that was a wonderful gift. Yes, I did go "Squeeeeee!" when I got it.)
So, is anyone else here knitting Ariann as a gift? If so, will you be doing one for yourself afterwards? I think I've decided that my Ariann is going to be black...or dark dark chocolate brown.

Friday, October 06, 2006

An Online Button Source

Here is an online button source that I have used with success -

There's a pretty big selection here of smaller buttons - fancy, basic and even some cool leather toggle buttons - oh, another day, a different sweater :)

This place
has 28 mm (1 1/8") buttons - the size called for to fasten Ariann.

Need Some Input....Please!

Can anyone recommend a website that has good selections of buttons? I can't seem to locate buttons that would look good with my yarn. The color is more of a burgundy, dark maroon. I’ve search online, however, I don’t see anything I like. I know once before I had a great link, and if I am not mistaken, I believe I got the link from Bonne’s site. I cast on for Adriann and got the first 8 rows going. Plan to get a good start on Saturday. Have a great weekend.

By the way, The yarn is a wool from Jojoland.

I've swatched

My beautiful Plum Selkirk arrived yesterday. I'm glad that someone warned me that the yarn is a little rough until washed or I would have been worried about scratchy wool. I plan to cast on today!

A Good Start

Well, I decided to go for instant gratification and got a whole lotta Berroco Ultra Alpaca for Ariann. I've lusted over this yarn for some time, so I was happy to finally try it out. I did actually buy a different color to swatch with (Blueberry), one I've loved ever since I discovered Ultra Alpaca - but sadly, I didn't love it nearly as much once it was knitted up. I'm thrilled with this color, though - it's called Redwood and is just a smidge darker in person.

I'm ready for the 2nd of 4 decreases for waist shaping. The pattern is great! Easy to understand and easy to knit.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Getting started

Well, here's my progress so far. I swatched in a similar manner to CrazyFiberLady and Saltwater purls , and I obviously am not as fast a knitter as most of y'all seem to be (*cough*Liz*cough)! I'm using the Peruvian Alpaca (Julie, are you going with that too?) and it's a joy to work with. I also just happened to put on CeCe this morning, so I thought I'd show y'all that, too. I used a ribbon, instead of a button, thinking I could change it to match different outfits. This is the 1st time I've ever posted a pic of my knitting online!

My husband's going out of town for the weekend, and I need to knit the 2nd sock of his b'day pair, so I doubt I'll get too much done.

I was looking at everyone's locations:
Iris - Germany!
Julie - Nashville, soon Charlotte
TLLGURL - LasVegas, baby
Carole - Albuquerque
Liz - Rochester
Rosemary - Oklahoma

I'm in Maryland, originally from Texas. Where's everyone else?

Just Keep Knitting

I cast on for my Ariann last Friday night after doing my standard, but rudimentary swatching. I repurposed some Plymouth Galway in a heather that I bought last summer for Eris. I had started that sweater but never managed to get more than halfway through the collar. I figure if it was in that state for over year, it was best time to pronounce it and free the yarn for something else.

I hit gauge on the first try and am quite happy with the feel of the fabric. By Monday (I was home for the holiday) I got through the second buttonhole and last night managed the 4th increase.

The color of the yarn changes depending on the light, varying between a brown and a deep green. Makes photographing it quite an experience. This was taken on my rose colored pillowcase under the Ott light. The pattern is varied enough to prevent boredom but easy enough to memorize. Thanks Bonne Marie!

I ordered 40" cables from Knitpicks last night so I can magic loop the sleeves.

By gosh, she swatched...

Well of course I would if the whole world is watching. I couldn't really finish Adriann and then complain she didn't fit and have Bonne-Marie ask if I swatched, now could I? But it's a cheaters swatch. I never made it to 10 cm in length, never cast off, and certainly never washed it to see if shrinkage or growth occured.

So I got gauge....and the sun came out so you can see the purple... and my model was unco-operative. Tonight I cast on. I will do the fronts and back separately rather than as one piece. I don't enjoy circular needles as I usually wedge my straight needle with my legs...I knit faster that way...and 188 stitches is way too many to fit on one needle. Then by the end the piece usually get heavy by the end and that also cramps my style.

Trying to decide on a yarn... HELP!

Ok, I'm very close to starting my Ariann, but I need some help with my yarn choice. I have several suitable yarns in my stash, but am having trouble narrowing it down. Here are the choices:

1) Malabrigo in Geranio. You can scroll down to see the color in the link. Now, this yarn is gorgeous, and soft, but maybe too soft for the this project? I'm also wondering if I'll be able to make gauge, as it's supposed to be worsted, but is defintely more an aran/bulky when knitted up.

2) Cascade 220 Quattro in colorway 9437. I know I'll make gauge with this, but will a marl yarn obscure the pattern? Perhaps.

3) Cascade 220 in a lavender heather. I'm thinking this would make gauge and show off the pattern.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Greetings from Germany to everyone,

I'm excited about starting my first KAL. I love everything to do with yarn and fiber. So what kind of yarn would be best for this project? A yarn that would drape would probably make a good choice. I see Lyn is going to use Alpaca, which would give a nice drape to the fabric. I want to use something from my stash. I have this lovely garnet color yarn that would look killer over a black dress. So how long do we have to complete Ariann? I’ll be starting to cast on this weekend.


a pic from me

I expect that if I didn't have several other WIPs, I would be much, much farther into the pattern than I am. The pattern is simple enough to go quickly with, but not boring at all. So far I have 4-5 inches.

I'm using Cascade 220: color 8010 which is an off-white/cream. I usually wear dark colors and ultimately thought a light colored Ariann would be fun. I picked out buttons the other day as well. They're a dark blueish color.

Still excited to be knitting her. Hopefully some of my other projects will get done and I will get to work on her without disruption.

Anxious to start!

Hi all,
I'm excited about starting this project. I recently made CeCe, and loved knitting it. I'm trying to choose a stash yarn (though I have spent hours online looking at other possibilities!) and have it narrowed down to Peruvian Pure Alpaca, in a charcoal heather or Debblie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, in a cherry red. Both are giving me 5 sts=1", so I think I can make either work.
I'm amazed how fast some of you seem to be knitting this!

Introducing moi to the KAL

This is my first KAL. I'm usually too slow to join and the KAL closes before I make it. Anyhoo I am planning to make Ariann with a non-listed yarn from my stash. It's called Merlin Camelot by Louet Sales. It is 70% merino and 30% linen. It's purple and black wool wraped with grey linen (you can't tell as it is another grey michigan day). The linen should drape nicely and the eyelets should be crisp (at least that is what I am imagining in my head). I think the gauge will be similar but I can't swatch until I finish my present project (Eva) which is using my 4.5mm needles. I have about 2 hrs knitting to go on Eva so I (fingers crossed) hope to swatch tonight and then join in the fun. If it doesn't work I have some Kid Classic (crushed velvet) in my stash as well. I'd really like to see how the mohair looks with the pattern before I'd use it though.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Hey everyone! So I started on Friday and I've been knitting like mad. I'm using Rowan Kid Classic for the first time and I love it! I don't have any pictures just yet though. I have the body done and I'm working on my first sleeve. I just realized tonight that I screwed up. I failed to do the first increase round on the sleeve - the one after the first 6 rounds for size 38, so I have a whole 16 inches done, but I'm 2 stitches short. So what would you do? I'm having a hard time thinking about ripping it all out! Will it really make that much difference?

First sleeve done!

Well, as I mentioned on Sunday, my knitting time has been greatly reduced, but every chance I have had, I am working on this sweater. I just love working on it. Here is the first sleeve blocking:
I've started the second sleeve and am up to the 5th increase. I am making the size 43. Well, time for a bit more knitting before bed.

Swatched and Washed

This is the swatch for Ariann in the beautiful Wood Rose Heather yarn from Beaverslide Farm. This wool is so soft and yet holds its shape well. I have knit with it before and can't wait to get started. The last sweater I made with this yarn bloomed so much after washing that it now fits my husband. You can bet I made sure to wash this swatch and that the gauge was perfect! The man just wouldn't look good in a pink lace cardigan. Thank goodness the last sweater was unisex and a deep cranberry heather.
It might be awhile before I can get started as we're leaving for Boston on the 17th (and Rhinebeck! YAY!). Not sure my brain could handle travel and Ariann, too. There won't be much down time and easy knitting may be best. As soon as I can start I'll let everyone know. Thanks Bonne Marie for another great pattern. Your designs are the sweaters I wear most often.



Hi all-

Just introducing myself...I'm Julie, also a transplanted Illinoisan who desperately misses a real Fall/Winter...currently live in Nashville, but will be moving to Charlotte, NC sometime after the first of the year. I have a husband and two children and am a bit knit-obsessed. I'm ready to start the second sleeve of Ribby - gotta get it finished soon so I'm ready for cooler weather!

I'm not totally sure what yarn I'll be using for Ariann - right now I'm leaning toward Elann's Peruvian Alpaca.

Can't wait to get started!


Monday, October 02, 2006

What yarn am I using?

Robin asked what yarn I am making my Ariann out of. It is the same as Bonne's - Selkirk by Ram Wools. It is a sturdy, rustic (gently processed) yarn that softens beautifully when washed. A little bit hard on the hands while knitting, but I think the finished results are worth it.
What is everyone else using?
I've swatched with the yarn I chose for Ariann, but I'm trying to show some restraint and not cast on until I finish two other projects. It's SO HARD not to start this right away!

Quick question: is there any reason why I can't forego the ribbing and just knit the eyelet pattern throughout?

Waiting for Mr. Good-yarn

Hi everyone! I'm expecting my yarn this week and can't wait to start. I'm just finishing up the Simple Bodice sweater so as soon as the yarn gets here, I'm ready to swatch. In the meantime I'll be cheering you on your progress.

HINT du JOUR - Printing PDF Files

Trouble printing your PDF even though it looks OK on your computer?

Since there are all sorts of different versions of Acrobat out there, sometimes the files will act wonky. First, open your file in Acrobat.

Then [from Adobe]: "Save the PDF file as a new file. Resave the document by choosing File > Save As, and giving the file a new name. The Save As command causes Acrobat to rewrite the file." Now your pattern should be in the native format of the program on your computer and should print OK! :)

[SQUEEE! I figured out how to make categories for the posts - the ones where I answer questions or post something I discoverd will be in the right sidebar, bottom, with the tag HINT-du-Jour.]

Happy Monday!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

We have liftoff!

Wow, everyone's progress has made me so anxious to get mine started. I couldn't bear to see another post where someone had already gotten 1/2 done ;)

Picked my color of Cascade 220 (after trying about a BILLION different yarns and even trying to make some DK yarns work) today, and just now finished casting on.

I'll post a pic when I get some inches on it. Happy!

Hi, Fellow KALers!

Hi Bonne Marie, Robin et al!
Greetings from Las Vegas!
It'll be fun KALing along with y'all on this beautiful sweater.
I'm knitting Ariann with Cascade 220 Superwash, and had to go down a needle size to get gauge. The resulting fabric is beautiful.
I've gotten past the decreases for the waist, and am now increasing.
The colour is so pretty, but since I don't have a digital camera, I'll see if I can scan a section of the lace, optimize it and post it.

Progress so far

Well, I started out at a pretty good clip. I had a beautiful taupe shade of Selkirk in my stash that has been simmering for almost a year for the right sweater. The minute I saw this design, I knew it was perfect and I got the sweater cast on by Friday. I didn't have to work as I had appts., but this still gave me more time than usual to knit. Saturday, I completed the body. You will notice that it is 13 1/2" and I have not done the armhole bind-off yet. As I didn't have anyone around to assist me in measuring, I can't be sure if that is the right length or if I want to add a few more rows, so the actual completion will occur this week.

Then, it was on to the sleeve where my troubles began. First, I started on dpns which was so fiddly and frustrating that after I started the pattern rows, I frogged and started over only to realize that I didn't understand how to add the pattern into the increases. After support received from Bonne and Rosemary, I was able to start ONE MORE TIME, and this time, I think I got it right. This is so much fun!

Thanks Bonne and Rosemary!

I frogged back to the point that I could add my first repeat. I'm cooking along now. I'll post my progress at the end of the day since it is back to work tomorrow and my speed will slow considerably. I'm shooting for completion by next weekend!